80% Professional Reader

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

New look for the Christmas season

I thought it was time to get a new look.  I loved the leaves, but now that we are getting ready for Christmas I wanted a new look for this place.  My school work is winding down, and my social calendar is filling up with things to do.  I am glad that my Christmas shopping is done!  Here's to the wonderful time of the year... Christmas.  I am so glad and thankful that I know and understand the True meaning of Christmas.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Newsletter News

My ideas for the newsletter are to talk about who will be playing in the coffee shop, Magic Express, and generate some more interest for this new venture.  I will talk about some of the newer books and try to generate some interest from more people in my book banter article.  Stocking Stuffers is an idea for students to bring in gently used books for a book exchange before the winter break.  Then there will be the Techno Tools that talks about Technology and safety on the internet.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Brochure topic

My brochure is for a once a month coffee shop, called Magic Express.  The last Friday of every month the coffee shop will be open in the media center.  There will be a featured artist each time that provides entertainment for half an hour.  Students will be able to purchase breakfast items and sit and chat with friends.