80% Professional Reader

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Nothing to Hide by: J.Mark Bertrand

Roland March is a detective for the Houston Police Department. The crime scene has a victim that has been decapitated. The FBI and Mexican cartels are somehow involved with the case. Will March be able to solve the case without losing his life? Read this "CSI" thriller to find out.

This is the third book in the Roland March mystery series. I hadn't read the other two books, so I was a bit confused. While you could read this as a stand alone book, I think I would have understood the plot better if I had read the other two books. Bertrand is gritty in describing the crime scene. He also jumps back in time for a chapter, but it doesn't seem to flow with the story. If you have read the other books I am sure you would enjoy this book. If you are a "CSI" fan this author may intrigue you.

Thank you to Bethany House Publishers for providing me with this book to review.