Five Days in Skye by Carla Laureano
Andrea Sullivan: rising executive on the verge of Vice President of sales for her company. Suddenly she finds herself in the doghouse in Scotland. Scotland where it's "cold, it's miserable, and the food is horrible."James MacDonald: world famous celebrity chef from Scotland. He owns six restaurants, written four cookbooks and has his own cooking show. He loves a challenge. When he meets Andrea Sullivan in one of his pubs, he doesn't disclose who he is. Andrea reveals her aversion to Scotland, and James takes it as a challenge to change her opinion of his beloved homeland. He only has five days to change her mind. Can he accomplish his task? How long will Andrea have to put up with the selfish celebrity or is that just the image that has been woven for the public? Read Five Days in Skye and get lost in the beauty of the story.
A mythically beautiful setting with authentic characters. This was a delightful read. I loved getting lost in the Scottish highlands. First time author, Carla Laureano, does a brilliant job. I am eager to read more of her work.
Thank you to Netgalley and David C. Cook publishers for the complimentary eBook copy to review.