80% Professional Reader

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Here's to blogging

I am excited to enter this new world.  While part of this blog will be for a class, I am hoping that I will be able to exchange some ideas with people and have some fun at the same time.


  1. Holly-I am interested in knowing your thoughts about the books that you are reading for the middle school. It's always nice to get someone else's opinion of good books for kids. Keep my updated on your thoughts, especially the books that fall into the fantasy genre. Gregg

  2. Great job Holly on doing some advanced things in your blog such as imbedding a video and pictures. Hopefully this was a good experience for you and will help you connect with others in your field.

  3. Wow - I am so impressed withyour blog. It makes the idea of collaborating with other educator professionals an exciting possibility. Well done!
